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Renault - Centrale Nantes Chair on electric vehicles
The chair
The chair
The team behind the chair
Scientific research areas
Scientific research areas
Control of AC machines and static converters for EV powertrains
Energy management and control of EV charging
Energy optimization of hybrid powertrain systems
Test benches
Test benches
Patents and publications
Patents and publications
E-PiCo Master
News and events
The chair
The team behind the chair
The chair
The team behind the chair
The team behind the chair
Head: Professor Malek GHANES
Prof. Malek GHANES is currently the director of the Chair on Electric Vehicle performances between Renault and Centrale Nantes (CN). He is also the coordinator of the master Erasmus-Mundus program on electric vehicle propulsion and its control (E-PiCo and E-PiCo plus). From September 2006 to April 2016 he has been with Quartz-ENSEA, where he was an Associate Professor and the Head of the Department of Automatic and Electrical Engineering. He received the M.Sc. degree and Ph.D. in applied automatic and informatics both from IRCCyN (now LS2N), CN, in 2002 and 2005, respectively. From sept. 2005 to sept. 2006, he was a Postdoctoral position at GReyC. In 2000-2001, he received the engineer's degree and magister’s first year in control systems from UMMTO. His research interests include differentiation/observation and control of nonlinear systems, with applications mainly to electric systems. He was recipient of the Best Paper Award 2014 from CEP IFAC Journal and the Applied Research Award 2015 from the FIEEC. From 2024, he is the Associate Editor for Control Engineering Practice IFAC journal. He has published several journals, conferences and patents.
8 PhD students:
Contribution to rotor position and speed estimation for synchronous machine drive using high frequency voltage injection: application to EV/HEV Powertrains
(defended, 22-11-2019).
Y. Dahmane:
Optimized Energy Management for Electric Vehicles and Infrastructures
(defended, 16-12-2020).
S. Rouquet:
Serial hybrid electric vehicle (HEV, PHEV), energy management
(defended, 05-07-2021).
R. Parrot:
Automatic generation of VHDL code for electric vehicle chargers
(defended, 15-11-2022).
H. Al Attar:
Control of bidirectional charger for the electric vehicle
(defended, 14-10-2022).
A. Bourgeade:
PWM control optimization for HEV/EV
(defended, 21-10-2022).
I. Permiakov: Optimized energy management and control of EVs with hydrogen range extender
(in progress, 07-11-2022 to 11-2025)
D. Igbokwe: Advanced multiphase inverter control for multiphase synchronous machines, CIFRE n°2023/0978, (in progress, 1-1-2024 to 1-2027)
4 Post-Docs:
A. Bouarfa and M. Taherzadeh (2 years), H. Al Attar, Y. Chen (2 years)
3 Engineers:
R. Boisliveau (in charge of the test benches), O. Salas and A. Fekik
10 Permanent professors:
4 Professors: F. Plestan, J-P. Barbot, M. Hilairet (Control team), O.H. Roux (Real-time team)
3 Assistant professors: M. Hamida (Control team), R. Chenouard (Optimization team), M. Briday (Real-time-systems team)
3 Senior researchers: JJ. Loiseau (Event discrete and control teams), D. Chablat, Ph. Wenger (Robotic team)
5 Visiting professors:
Y. Shtessel: University of Alabama, Huntsville, USA (Adjunct Professor at Centrale Nantes)
M. Bodson: University of UTAH, USA
J. Moreno: University of Mexico, Mexico
J. DeLeon: University of Monterrey, Mexico
M. Fadel, Laplace, EN7, France
6 Master's students
6 Renault staff:
Expert High Voltage Components Control: A. Maloum
PhD-Engineers: M. Taleb, M. Alvarado-Ruiz, A. Bouarfa, A. Messali
Engineer: L. Merienne
Published on September 14, 2021
Updated on September 12, 2024
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